Meeting June 2007 - CASES
Gesetz zur Umsetzung der Richtlinie des Europaeischen Parlaments und des Rates ueber die Umwelthaftung zur Vermeidung und Sanierung von Umweltschaeden

The Czech Republic:
Major Accidents (in Czech language)
Czech National Council Act on the Protection of Nature and the Landscape
Act on Forests
The Water Act
Act on Administrative Courts (in Czech language)
The General Act on Administrative Procedure (in Czech language)

Belgian Law on Liability for Damage from GMOs placed on the market (in Dutch language)
Belgian Law on Liability for Damage from GMOs placed on the market (part 2) (in Dutch language)
Belgian Law on Liability for Damage from GMOs placed on the market (part 3) (in Dutch language)
Belgian Law on Liability for Damage from GMOs placed on the market (part 4) (in Dutch language)
Environmental Liability Directive for the Flemish Region of Belgium (in Dutch language)

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